
在西北交换生(NWSE), 我们致力于维护信任, 信心, 以及我们在线访问者的安全, 申请人, 项目参与者. NWSE收集个人信息仅用于提供我们的服务. NWSE不分享, 出售, 租金, or trade your personal information with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes. Please review our privacy policies below for details about when and why we collect your personal information, 我们如何使用它, 我们可能向他人披露信息的有限条件, 以及我们如何保证它的安全.



与大多数网站一样,NWSE网站使用cookie.  Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other devices (such as smart phones or tablets) as you browse or log into our websites.  Cookies are used to “remember” when your computer or device accesses our websites.  Cookies对我们网站的有效运作至关重要, 对于你可能使用的许多其他网站.

Some cookies collect information about browsing behaviour when you access our websites via the same computer or device.  This includes information about pages viewed and your journey around a website.  我们不会使用cookie来收集或记录您的姓名信息, 地址或其他联系方式.  Please review the next section of our privacy notice for information about our use of 谷歌分析.

The cookies stored on your computer or other device(s) when you access our websites are designed by:

  1. NWSE, 或代表NWSE, and are needed to allow you to log into our various websites and online portals.
  2. 谷歌分析(见下文).


  1. 用于有效运作我们网站所必需的技术目的, 特别是, 例如, 关于网上注册, 帐户访问, 等.
  2. To enable NWSE to collect information about your browsing patterns on our websites, 并监督电子邮件活动的成功, 重要的项目通知, 通信, 竞赛, 等.

If you want to disable cookies you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies.  如何做到这一点取决于您使用的网站浏览器.

如果cookies被禁用,NWSE网站可能无法正常运行. 如果您只禁用第三方cookie, you will not be prevented from logging into our websites and online portals.  如果您禁用所有cookie, you will be unable to log in and update information on our websites/online portals.


当有人访问我们的网站时, we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behavior patterns via 谷歌分析. 我们这样做, 例如, to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of our website. Information collected via 谷歌分析 is presented to NWSE in a way which does not personally identify anyone. NWSE does not attempt to find the identities of those visiting our website.


我们使用第三方提供商, 垂直响应, 向您发送我们的一些通讯和公告. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter content and 通信. 欲澳门足球开户信息,请参阅 垂直响应隐私政策. You can unsubscribe from NWSE 通信 that do not relate directly to your NWSE program at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our general emails you may receive, 或者发邮件给我们 unsubscribe@anchoragedev.com.


When you register for one of our programs and provide personal information, we use this information: to get you registered for the program of your choice; to collect required participant information and communicate with you in a manner compliant with program regulations; to tell you about stuff you’ve asked us to tell you about; to provide you with program-related information of your specific NWSE program; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to tell you about relevant NWSE programmatic opportunities available to you; to check if our records are accurate and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied with your program. 我们不分享, 出售, 租金, or trade email lists with other organizations and businesses without your consent.

当你通过NWSE注册一个项目时, your data is stored in NWSE-owned online and offline database and file systems in the USA. Your data is shared only with government entities and third parties (host families, 区域协调员, 学校, NWSE合作机构, 保险公司, SEVIS, 等.) directly involved in the application and administration processes of your NWSE program. Your data may also be uploaded into government databases as required to allow you to apply for your visa. Outside of what’s required for the application process and administration of your NWSE program, NWSE不分享 your personal details with any other company or entity without your consent.



我们的安全措施包括但不限于: encryption of passwords stored in our online systems; regular cyber security assessments of all service providers who may handle your personal data; security controls which protect our IT infrastructure from external attack and unauthorized access; internal policies setting out our data security approach and training for employees; and security measures employed by third-party service providers.


你有权观看, 修改, or delete the personal information that we hold unless otherwise required by government entities. 将你的要求电邮至 dataprotection@anchoragedev.com.


通过选择使用这个, 或以任何身份或在任何程度上使用任何NWSE网站或服务, you agree to at all times hold NWSE harmless for any and all security/data breaches that may occur as a result of NWSE’s use of commonly subscribed/contracted internet and technological services with which NWSE may contract to provide services to you and/or other clients, and further agree not to and shall not seek remedy or damages from NWSE and/or its employees or directors for the real or potential results from any such security/data breaches that may occur.


NWSE可能会不时修改我们的使用条款和隐私政策. 当我们这样做,我们将更新我们的网站,以反映这些变化.


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